
Attention Keeper is committed to keeping this website up to date and accurate. Should you nevertheless encounter anything that is incorrect or out of date, we would appreciate it if you could let us know. Please indicate where on the website you read the information. We will then look at this as soon as possible. Please send your response by email to: legal@attentionkeeper.com.

对于因信息不准确或不完整而造成的损失,或因通过互联网传播信息所造成或固有的问题(如中断或中 断)而造成的损失,我们概不负责。在使用网络表格时,我们努力将所需字段的数量限制在最低限度。对于因使用 Attention Keeper 或代表 Attention Keeper 通过本网站提供的数据、建议或观点而造成的任何损失,Attention Keeper 不承担任何责任。

本网站内容的所有知识产权均归 Attention Keeper 所有。

未经 Attention Keeper 的书面许可,不得复制、传播或以任何其他方式使用这些资料,除非且仅在强制性法律规定的范围内(如引用权),除非具体内容另有规定。


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